Thursday, August 26, 2010

PR27-08-10. Progress Report from 21 to 27 Aug 2010

Extenal wall in progress

Dry-wall progress

Screeding at Sales Gallery

Base coat at Public Powder

Water proofing at Public Powder

Water proofing at S/pool wall

Retaining wall at S/pool landscape area in progress

Main D.B

Rebar for retaining at front landscape

Sewage line in progress

Thursday, August 19, 2010

PR20-08-10. Progress Report from 14 to 20 Aug 2010

Dry-wall in progress


M&E in progress

F.C.U installation

A/C ducting in progress

Apron drain retaining wall

Water-proofing at planter outside S/pool area

Thursday, August 12, 2010

PR13-08-10. Progress Report from 7 to 13 Aug 2010

Erection of drywall in progress

M&E works in progress

Location of R.W.D.P

Construction of site entrance culvert