Thursday, August 25, 2011

PR26-8-11. Progress Report from 20 to 26 Aug 2011

Protection works to show-unit for alteration works

dismantle of dry-walls & others works affected

remote blind at sales gallery

footings for features wall at main signage

Thursday, August 18, 2011

PR19-8-11. Progress Report from 13 to 19 Aug 2011

Setting of show-unit models

r.c works in progress for showflat signage

installation of doors for wet-kitchen & office

protection to showunit for alteration works

Thursday, August 11, 2011

PR12-8-11. Progress Report from 6 to 12 Aug 2011

installation of mirrors in office powder

installation of accessories to kitchen

hanging of painting Lv/Din

cleaning up & laying of furnitures in showflat

s/pool water

extension of hoarding along boundary for showflat signage work

construction works for showflat signage area